A List of Autism Parenting AAC Core Vocabulary Words 

One of the challenges that many families face when it comes to teaching their autistic children is the need to learn a variety of Core Vocabulary Words for autistic children. These are terms and concepts that autistic children can point to and identify what the word is if they have an issue related to the word, view here. This is extremely important as it helps the child to relate words to the world around them. I will provide below some Core Vocabulary Words for autistic children which are often difficult for them to identify as well as difficult for parents to teach them.

In this situation, the child will be able to connect these words with the world around them and with their parents. If they cannot connect these words to the outside world they will have many difficulties in social settings. For example, when the parent says "It's raining" the child may connect rain to the word "raining" however if they cannot connect the word to the outside world they will have problems understanding how the word works. The child's communication will suffer as they become less able to communicate with others. This is the same when they have problems understanding words like the word "down".

This may sound like it is not a big problem but for an autistic person this can be extremely frustrating. The above example is where "down" can mean any number of things. It can mean the end of something, a bad experience or simply the feeling of being down in a place where someone likes you. This is where the combination of the word phrases "down" combined with parent directed commands and positive reinforcement play a major role in helping the child learn how to communicate and express themselves. Parent directed commands such as "get down" or "get on your hands and knees" are very powerful in helping autistic kids learn these types of words.

These are just a few examples but there are many other Core Vocabulary Words that can help a child learn to express themselves. The above list is just a sample of some of the more commonly used words. They often come in conjunction with other Core Vocabulary Words. As parents and teachers continue to combine these Core Vocabulary Words with ADHD friendly teaching methods, many more miracles for our children will be unlocked.

If you have never used Core Vocabulary Words for Autism then I highly recommend you do so. The benefit of learning these words early on can help you and your child communicate much better in the future, also learn more. Your child's education will improve drastically and so will your own communication skills! Imagine having a great understanding of these words and being able to use them in conversations with those around you.

It will also help you gain a deeper understanding of how the child learns and their cognitive development. You will learn what type of words they prefer and which are the ones they tend to avoid most. This can help you teach your child a different type of vocabulary. The possibilities are endless when you use these Core Vocabulary Words for Autism. Read more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vocabulary

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